Scheme Name :-
Scheme for 'Marketing Assistance and Technology Up-gradation of MSMEs'- an NMCP Scheme
Objective and Brief Description
Marketing Assistance and Technology Upgradation scheme is a GoI initiative for adoption
of Modern Marketing techniques by MSMEs consistent with the requirement of global
market. The scheme is divided into eight subcomponents and GoI assistance is available
in various proportions.
Who can apply?
Competent agency as mentioned in the EOI guidelines, MSMEs, Industry associations, NGOs.
What is funded?
Funding support for conducting awareness on new packaging technologies (applicant as mentioned in EOI)
Cluster based studies on packaging status and need for upgradation (gap analysis)(applicant as mentioned in EOI)
Unit based intervention for packaging requirement (pilot). (applicant as mentioned in EOI)
Funding support for conducting Skill Upgradation/ Development programmes for modern marketing techniques. (applicant as mentioned in EOI)
Funding support for conducting trade competition studies.(applicant as mentioned in EOI)
Funding support to MSMEs belonging to North-Eastern Region for participation in marketing events. (For North East –Region MSMEs)
Enabling participation of MSMEs in State/District level local Exhibitions/Trade fairs and provide funding support (reimbursement)(Registered MSMEs)
Funding support (in the form of reimbursement) to MSMEs for adopting Corporate Governance Practices. (Registered MSMEs)
Funding support for setting up of Marketing Hubs
Reimbursement to ISO 18000/ ISO 22000/ ISO 27000 certification for MSMEs.
Extent of Funding Support
GoI assistance of 0.50 lakh per program (GoI:unit::80:20) - per awareness program
GoI assistance of 10 lakh (GoI:unit::80:20)-for cluster based study on packaging.
GoI assistance of 9 lakh (GoI:unit::80:20) for a group of 10 units towards unit based interventions for packaging requirements in clusters
GoI assistance of 6 lakh (GoI: unit::80:20) per cluster for skill upgradation programs
GoI assistance of 8 lakh (GoI:unit::80:20) per trade competition study
Reimbursement up to Rs.75,000/- per unit(north –east ) for space charge, to and fro and transport charges
The total reimbursement upto. Rs. 30,000/- per unit for the SC/ST/Women/Physically Handicapped entrepreneurs, and Rs. 20,000/- per person for other MSME units for participation in state and district level trade fairs.
Reimbursement up to 50% of the total expenditure subject to max. Rs. 45,000/- per MSME unit for adopting corporate government practices
Funding support of 30 lakhs (GoI) for marketing hubs, plus 5 lakhs (GoI) for furniture, IT etc and recurring exp. Of 15 lakhs (80 % GoI, 20% private units) for 2 years
One time reimbursement of expenditure to the extent of 75% subject to a maximum of 1 lakh in each case for acquiring ISO 18000/ISO 22000/ISO 27000 Certification
Application procedure
For Participation of MSMEs in state/District level trade fair
SSC supported by the office of the DC (MSME) will identify and approve manufacturing MSME clusters/units for participating in State/ District level local exhibitions/Trade Fairs on the basis of the responses received through the MSME-DIs, Industries Associations, and NGOs
The applicant MSME unit will submit its claim along with required documents to the local MSME-DI office for reimbursement in the prescribed format
For adopting Corporate Governance Practices.
Office of DC-MSME will identify MSME units for participating in this activity on the basis of request received through the MSME- DIs, Industries Associations and NGOs
The applicant MSME unit will submit his claim along with required documents to the local MSME-DI office for reimbursement in the prescribed format
For Reimbursement of Certification
The application form is given along with the scheme guidelines,
(http://www.dcmsme.gov.in/schemes/MarkAssis.pdf) fill the application form and send it to the Regional MSME-DI along with the supporting documents
Most of the components of the scheme are based on RFP/EOI hence the eligibility criteria and application procedure are specified in the EOI.
A Screening-cum-Steering Committee (SSC) is constituted to monitor the scheme.
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