Cluster Development


What is a Cluster?

As per the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, a Cluster is a sectoral and geographical concentration of enterprises, in a particular location facing common opportunities and threats.

What is Cluster Development?

Cluster Development Approach aims at mainstreaming the private sector and is biased towards the pro-poor growth notion.
Under Cluster Development, the economic growth is such that it stimulates opportunities for indigent artisans and industries. Furthermore, Cluster Development Approach creates an appropriate dais by facilitating tools that can make access to the given opportunities effortless.

Clusterkrafts and Cluster Development

Clusterkrafts core competence over the past 10 years has been facilitating the industry in improving its competitiveness byfabricating an environment for the artisan and the industry clusters for an easy access of adequate pro-poor growth opportunities. Custom cluster basted development programs is the primary tool that makes this access ever so easy.

The programs are designed on the basis of felt-need and are aimed at providing absolute support solutions to varied agencies and institutions. The Key areas where support is extended is as follows; developing models for local interventions and networking linkages, facilitating access of clusters to business development and research services.

The CDP approach involves a participatory diagnosis of the problems to build up synergies between institutions and entrepreneurs in the cluster.



Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a procedure that often refines the execution efficiency of any given project or an activity and helps attain results at an accelerated rate. The primary aim is to improve the current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact of any given project or an activity.

ACDS per say has carved out a niche for itself in Monitoring and Evaluation activities by enabling satisfactory and time-bound implementation of the activities commensurate with project objectives. ACDS has carried out M&E independently and have also partnered with varied state governments and multilateral agencies for the same.


The introduction of Small and Medium Enterprise (Development) Act, 2005 is a significant watershed in the history of MSME Development in India.It has not only triggered the change in the mindset of small and medium entrepreneur but has also made upscaling of size and technology upgradation of manufacturing units in substantial numbers with the help of varied Government Schemes an accessible possibility.


Mapping of Clusters an essential component of any Cluster Development Program.
Mapping exercises assists in formulating an adequate database that consists of economic performance measures such as number of employees, wage rates; units within any given cluster; profit margins; and worker & management framework. This activity results into a generation of a systematic database on industrial cluster.

Cluster Mapping also facilitates empirically derived cluster linkages; understanding the pattern of cluster, evolution of clusters over time and helps one draw an accurate comparative data for multiple clusters for further analysis.


Clusters of identical sectors often face similar threats and opportunities. However, method of deciphering these challenges differ from one cluster to the other due to unique strengths and weaknesses that they possess.

It is essential to incorporate learning and best practices of any given cluster with the other in order to enhance the capacity of both the clusters. This symbiosis relation that prevails between varied clusters results in mutual benefit by sharing resources and services.

Thus, twining of clusters expands the capacity and improves the performance of both the clusters, simultaneously.


Cluster Development is an all-inclusive process that not only focuses on developing the industry itself but simultaneous development of Forward and Backward linkages. Forward and Backward linkages acts as an essential building block for any industry. Capacity building of business development services provider supports enhancing competitiveness of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSMEs ).

Cluster Development Approach involves strengthening network of manufacturing MSMEs, Suppliers and BDS. This involves facilitating of a suitable platform for exchange of services and generating demand for technology upgradation.


Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), by nature have miscellaneous limitations such as the ability to invest in high cost equipment and facilities that will result in the reduction of the operational cost and improvement in quality and productivity of MSMEs . MSMEs due to their size and limited finances are not fully equipped to utilize the said capacity of machineries and facilities alike. Under such circumstances it is possible for the MSMEs to come together and share the initial cost of capital investment and utilize the facility, machineries with mutual partnership thus making them more competitive in the national and internal market.


Infrastructure Development is one of the most critical component for any sector Infrastructure Development also refers to technical infrastructure.

In any given cluster there are two forms of Infrastructure Intervention: Soft and Hard.
Soft Intervention: Soft Intervention refers to any change in the institutional structure that will assure the sustainability and increase the efficiency of any given cluster.

Hard Intervention: Hard Intervention are primarily large physical network necessary for the functioning of a modern manufacturing cluster.

On an average MSMEs are either unaware of the above given interventions that may help facilitate in their development or may not be able to invest in such facilities due to their limited financial capacity and increased final cost of production.

Therefore, government has taken the initiative to assist by investing in infrastructure facilities by sharing the cost of facilities such as roads, drainage, hostels for workers, and common power generation plants through schemes such as Integrated Textile Park ( ITP) Scheme of the Ministry of Textiles , Government of India . Netaji Apparel Park at Tirupur is one such facility established utilizing the support from the Ministry of Textiles.


Social Capital is the economic output of social relations in any given Cluster . Social Capital plays a very important role in deciding the competitiveness of any given region.

As the name suggests Social Capital like Money Capital is an important competiveness factor of the cluster.

Establishing Social Capital is a delicate task where, experience and understanding the given social conditions is essential. Clusterkraft has worked at different level in any given region enabling social capital puts us in a unique position in the given sector.



Schemes @ Clusters - Reference Guide on Government Scheme for MSMEs Click Here For Detail.....



Name of the Project: Implementation of BDS Programe on SIDBI
  • Name of the Employer: Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), New Delhi
  • Duration of the Project: 6 Months (Feb-17 to July-17)
  • >> Project Details

Name of the Project: Exploring Potential of E-Commerce for Retail Exports of Indian MSMEs in the Manufacturing Sector
  • Name of the Employer: eBay India
  • Duration of the Project: 6 Months (Feb-17 to July-17)
  • >> Project Details

Name of the Project: IPR Facilitation Centres for MSMEs:Strategic Assessment and Comparative Analysis
  • Name of the Employer: GIZ, Germany
  • Duration of the Project: 4 Months (November-16 to April-17)
  • >> Project Details

Name of the Project: Economic Profiling of NCR for National Capital Region Planning Board
  • Name of the Employer: National Capital Region Planning Board, Government of India
  • Duration of the Project: 56 Months (June-10 to Feb-15)
  • >> Project Details

Name of the Project: Cluster Level Intervention Programme (CLIP) in Ludhiana Knitted Apparel Cluster
  • Name of the Employer: Small Industries Development Bank of India
  • Duration of the Project: 16 months (Apr-15 to Jul-16)
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: MSME Cluster Intervention Programme by SIDBILudhiana Knitted Apparel Cluster
Name of the Project: MSME Ecosystem Transformation in the state of Haryana
Name of the Project: Study on the Constraints and Opportunities Facing Odisha's Handicraft and Handloom Sector
  • Name of the Employer: World Bank, New Delhi
  • Duration of the Project: 6 months (Jan-15 to June 15)
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Uttar Pradesh Pro-Poor Tourism Development Project Assessment of the artisanal sector of Agra, the Braj Region and Buddhist Circuit
  • Name of the Employer: World Bank, New Delhi
  • Duration of the Project: 6 months (Jan-15 to June 15)
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Mapping of Non-Financial Gaps in Select MSME Clusters
  • Name of the Employer: Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), New Delhi
  • Duration of the Project: 56 Months (June-10 to Feb 15)
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Mapping of Technological Modernization and Product Process Innovation in Pune Food Processing Cluster
  • Name of the Employer: GIZ, Germany
  • Duration of the Project: 4 months (November-13 to November-14)
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Analyzing Schemes of Ministry of MSME and creating Prototype for National Portal
Name of the Project: Capacity Building of BMOs: Awareness Workshop cum Support Clinics on Public Support Schemes
  • Name of the Employer: SEQUA gGMBH, Germany
  • Duration of the Project: 4 months Aug-13 to Dec-13
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Conducting Awareness Workshop (Sensitization Programme) cum Support Clinics on Public Support Schemes
  • Name of the Employer: GIZ, Germany
  • Duration of the Project: 8 months Nov-12 to June-13
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Diagnostic Study Report: Sualkuchi Silk Cluster
  • Name of the Employer:CSTRI, Central Silk Board , Government of India
  • Duration of the Project: 12 months Feb-13 to March-13
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Diagnostic Study Report: Srinagar Silk Cluster
  • Name of the Employer: CSTRI, Central Silk Board, Government of India
  • Duration of the Project: 13 months Feb-13 to March-13
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Implementation of Business Development Services Programme for SIDBI.
  • Name of the Employer: Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), New Delhi
  • Duration of the Project: 16 months Jun-07 to Oct-11
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Project Vikas for ICT adoption in MSME Clusters
  • Name of the Employer: Microsoft India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Duration of the Project: 35 months April-06 to March-09
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: City Cluster Economic Development (Phase I)
  • Name of the Employer: National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) India, sponsored by ADB
  • Duration of the Project: 7 months August-08 to Feb-09
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: City Cluster Economic Development (Phase II)
  • Name of the Employer: National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) India, sponsored by ADB
  • Duration of the Project: 7 months August-08 to Feb-09
  • >>Project Details
Name of the Project: MPRLP Wooden Toy Clusters Skill Inducement
  • Name of the Employer: Madhya Pradesh Rural Livelihood Project funded by DFID
  • Duration of the Project: 11 months Sep-09 to Aug-11
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: Primary Survey of AYUSH Industry Clusters
  • Name of the Employer: Department Of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India
  • Duration of the Project: 14 months July-07 to Sep-07
  • >>Project Details

Name of the Project: SFURTI
  • Name of the Employer: KVIC
  • Duration of the Project: 35 months Jan-16 to Dec-18
  • >>Project Details

Contact Us

Apex Cluster Development Services Pvt. Ltd.

35-B 4th Floor
Leela House Shahpur Jat
New Delhi-110049, India

Tel: +91-1149055655

Contact Person
Mr. Rajveer Singh
Tel: +91-9811070056

Ms. Mansi Chaudhary
Tel: +91-9811600569

Mr. B.P Singh
Tel: +91-9811770087


CIN- U74140DL2004PTC130403